Product Overview
This package from Solid Setup Plus allows you to add connectors to any edge of your parts, and to remove any connectors added by the construction method connections.
- Works for all main cabinet parts
- Works for drawer box backs,fronts,bottoms and sides
- Works for rollout box backs,fronts,bottoms and sides
- Adds attributes to the parts to control quantity, spacing, position and type of connection
- Also Allows addition of a Qualified Blind Dado intellijoint to any edge (Mortice and Tenon)
- Shows visual edge numbers on parts to aid in editing
- List of connectors available can be easily edited
- You can use any connectors you have created.
- Connectors supplied:
- Cabinet Screw
- Confirmat Screw 8mm
- 8mm Dowel
- Cabineo
- Minifix 15 Cam (34mm Bolt)
- Nail
- Rafix 20
- Rafix 20 Thru
- Titus Quickloc
- Titus Quickloc Thru
- System 32 Bracket
- Keku Push
- Keku Suspension
Product is available for these Cabinet Vision Versions:
The Packages provided are for CV2021 - CV2022 - CV2023 - CV2024
Product not available for older versions.