Product Overview
- The ‘Blum AVENTOS HK-XS Package’ from Solid Setup Plus adds the Blum AVENTOS HK-XS door lift system to Cabinet Vision and optional TIP-ON.
- It provides drilling for the Cabinet and Door parts, for CNC output.
- (You can change the drilling diameters and depths to the tools you want to use.)
- It also adds 3d graphics for the mechanisms and brackets etc.
- EXPANDO and Screwon front brackets and Cabinet Fixing are provided.
- Light Grey, Silk White, Carbon Black and Nickel colours for TIP-ON.
- The mechanisms and brackets etc are added as a separate parts and materials for reporting purposes.
- All material descriptions contain the Blum order number after the # symbol and Vendor SKU.
- UCS calculates weight of Door by using the density of board and handle weight.
- User can adjust density, handle weight or Total weight using attributes.
- UCS uses total weight to determine a 'POWER FACTOR' which is displayed as an attribute and can be changed.
- The POWER FACTOR determines which Mechanism to use and how many arms are required, automatically.
- User can swap arm from left to right with an attribute.
- Door can be displayed fully open or anywhere in between.
- Frameless Only – not suitable for Face Frame cabinets.
Product is available for these Cabinet Vision Versions:
The Packages provided are for CV2021 - CV2022 - CV2023 - CV2024
For older versions please contact us.